Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alive and Kicking...still

We are all still here. I know it has been awhile since I have posted. We are doing well, enjoying the summer. Em is now 15, Cl is 13 and Flora is still 2 (going on 12). I couldn't be a luckier mama. Em and Cl are truly the best big sisters out there.
Flora A-D-O-R-E-S them. Flora frequently sports painted toes and more recently painted fingernails. We have a rather large group of teenage girls who also serve Flora. Yesterday, someone asked me if Flora has play dates. I said yes! Whenever Em or Cl have friends over Flora thinks they are here to visit HER! Flora will stand at the gate in our back room (still in place to corral the animals not Flora) and call for Em or Cl to come and get her. And they always do!
We spent 10 days on a sailboat in the BVI a month ago. It was Flora's first sailing experience. She was tremendous! It was a fantastic trip. Flora was jumping off of the stern of the boat (wearing her wings) into 20 feet of ocean water with turtles, barracudas, and other small fish. She, in typical Flora fashion, was easy and fun. She loved the entire trip...the car, the plane, the tram, the ferry, the sailboat and the taxis!
Flora is doing her "nastics" weekly. She tells us how she rolls and jumps and hops. She is enamored with "nastics." Generally speaking, she is mesmerized by sports. She enjoys football, basketball, and baseball games. As I have "tasted the kool-aid" at Karate/Jiu~Jitsu setting the example for Flora, she now walks around the house punching and kicking in the air. She is excited about the pee-wee class she will likely start when she turns three. She also picks up any stick like object and ball and plays "field hockey" around the house. I guess for a house full of girls, we are sports people. Flora's excitement is evidence of that.
She is easily on target with every milestone. Her language is unbelievable. She often says 4-5 word sentences. She even corrects herself. The other day I was brushing her hair. I had in my hand her bag of hair do dads. She looked at me and said, "I get it." Then she looked at me shook her head and said, "No, I PICK it." The no was not for my benefit, but shaking off her use of get searching for a better word, pick. WOW!
Seriously, I could not be prouder of all of my girls. They are the most exciting edition to my life. Thanks Joe!